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Radio buttons differ from other inputs because they need a wrapper which keeps the state.

That wrapper is provider by Kingpin itself and is the <RadioGroup /> component. It takes as attributes the name (which is the key in the Kingpin submit payload) and the initialValue which is the name of the selected radio.

RadioGroup Props

nametrueA string which describe the element. Will be the element key in the submit payload
initialValuefalseA string that represent the name of the selected radio
validationfalseA single (or an array/object of) function(s) to validate the element. Check the doc

Radio Props

nametrueA string which describe the element. It will be the value in the submitted payload
Input attributesfalseAll the React input attributes.


import { Form, FormResult, Radio, RadioGroup } from 'kingpin-react-form'

function App(): JSX.Element {
const submit = (e: FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>, data: FormResult): void => {

return (
<Form onSubmit={submit}>
<RadioGroup name="radio-group" initialValue="radio2">
<Radio name="radio1" />
<Radio name="radio2" />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>

Setting the type attribute won't have any effect as well as the checked attribute which will be overrided by the initialValue.