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Getting started


Install the package with your favourite package manager.

npm install kingpin-react-form

Library basics

Kingpin's focus is to don't change the ReactAPI making the integration itself as smooth as possible.

Each internal component (<Input />, <Textarea />) could be thought as just a simple input element so all the element attributes are accessible from the element itself.

All the atomic states are kept by the <Form /> component and they can be accessed globally using the onSubmit event which is extended with a further parameter which is an object containing all the states and the overall form validity (check validation for more).

import { Form, FormResult, Input } from 'kingpin-react-form'
import { FormEvent } from 'react'

function App(): JSX.Element {
const submit = (e: FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>, data: FormResult) => {

// data: {
// isValid: true,
// payload: {
// email: "",
// password: "",
// }
// }

return (
<Form onSubmit={submit}>
<Input name="email" type="email" />
<Input name="password" type="password" />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>

The data object is automatically assembled according to the <Form /> children and it ensures performant rendering cycles during the form updates.

Check the validation documentation for more about the error handling.